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Webinar – Laughing babies: the secret of our success

Webinar – Laughing babies: the secret of our success

Regular price £24.00 GBP
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Caspar Addyman

Recorded webinar – available immediately

Based on Caspar's popular science book, The Laughing Baby, this talk argues that it was our laughing babies that made us human. Human babies are born more helpless and reliant than any other mammal. This was an evolutionary choice that helped our species become the most social, most intelligent and most successful on the planet. This talk looks back at the evolutionary origins of humanity through the wonder-filled eyes of infants. It re-centres motherhood and collective caregiving in the story of our beginnings. Our joyful connection to our babies was essential to our early survival and provides a hopeful perspective on the challenges of modern parenthood.


This webinar is aimed at anyone involved with young children, either professionals or parents.


Dr Caspar Addyman has spent two decades studying infant psychology. He worked at Birkbeck BabyLab and is a former director of the Goldsmiths InfantLab. He has investigated how babies acquire language, concepts and even their sense of time. Since 2012, he has been studying what makes babies laugh and why. In 2016, he worked with Grammy winner Imogen Heap to create 'The Happy Song'. His popular science book, The Laughing Baby, was published in 2020. His Babies Laugh picture books are published by Pan Macmillan.


This is a recorded webinar and you will be sent the private viewing link once you place the order. This is for ticketholders only.


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