Scottish Book Trust Webinar Programme

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Webinar – Baby vision and baby books

Webinar – Baby vision and baby books

Regular price £24.00 GBP
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Professor Anna Franklin

Recorded webinar – available immediately

Babies’ vision is initially poor and they have strong preferences for looking at certain types of things and images. Here, Professor Anna Franklin presents the science of infant visual development, and busts several myths about what babies can and can’t see and what they like to look at. She reveals surprising facts such as how babies see colour, and when babies develop perceptual skills such as seeing in 3D and seeing visual illusions. She also outlines her new research which identifies the visual features of the books that grab babies’ attention, and makes suggestions for how to choose a baby book that is just right for babies’ visual abilities.


This webinar is aimed at anyone involved with young children, either professionals or parents.

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More about the speaker

Anna is a developmental and visual psychologist and runs the Sussex Baby Lab at the University of Sussex.
Her research on how infants, children and adults see, think and learn about the visual world around them has been funded by a number of funders including Research Councils UK, the European Research Council and Action Medical Research.
She is enthusiastic about translating research findings into practical outcomes, and has worked with companies that produce drama, TV, educational materials and commercial products for babies and children.
She is also a consultant for children’s book publishers, providing guidance on baby book design.

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